Posts tagged DUI
Oklahoma's New DUI Laws - What Are Your Options?

Earlier this month, Oklahoma’s DUI laws drastically changed. Prior to these newly enacted laws, law enforcement could legally suspended a person’s driving privileges if they refuse to take a state-mandated sobriety test and the only way to appeal this suspension is through the Department of Public Safety (DPS). Now, when a person is arrested for DUI or APC they will be given written notice that their driving privileges will be revoked, effective within thirty (30) days of the arrest. New laws give drivers limited options when facing a revocation of their driving privileges.

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Marijuana on Oklahoma Roads

The laws around recreational and medical marijuana use are quickly changing across the nation, and cultural attitudes towards drug use are shifting just as fast. However, this doesn’t make driving while high any less dangerous or negligent, not to mention illegal. In Oklahoma, medical marijuana users must abide by Oklahoma’s traffic and impaired driving laws.

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